文学院教师个人简介 |
姓名: |
李金凤 |
性别: |
女 |
出生年月: |
1989.03 |
院系: |
语言学 |
职称: |
讲师 |
学历: |
博士 |
专业方向: |
语言学及应用语言学 |
研究方向: |
社会语言学 |
简介: |
1. 教育经历: 2015~2018 华中科技大学 博士 2010~2013 江西师范大学 硕士 2006~2010 赣南师范大学 学士 2. 工作经历: 2013~2015 广州卓越教育 3. 开设课程: 现代汉语、对外汉语教学概论、跨文化交际等。 |
成果与奖项: |
1. 主要论文 [1] 吴艳,李金凤.博弈论视域中不可靠评价语探析[J].江西财经大学学报,2013,(2):100-107. [2] 李金凤,何洪峰,周宇亮.语言态度、语言环境与农村学前留守儿童语言使用[J].语言文字应用,2017,(1):23-31. [3] 李金凤.“X不像话”及其主观性分析[J].现代语文(语言研究版),2017,(5):75-79. [4] 李金凤.“让”字句情感倾向及其情感构式的构成[J].现代语文(语言研究版),2017,(10):81-84. [5]李金凤,周宇亮,何洪峰.土语层“普方双言”影响因素分析[J].语言文字应用,2018,(1):31-40. [6] Jinfeng Li. Investigation Analysis of “Dialect Mingled by Mandarin” Phenomenon: Evidence from Hukou Dialect in China[C].//4th International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH): Atlantis Press,2019,329,1064-1067. [7] Jinfeng Li. Dialect Attitude, Dialect Environment and Dialect Degradation: Evidence from Hukou Dialect in China[C].//3rd International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society (ICCESE): Atlantis Press,2019,310,11-14. [8] Jinfeng Li. Differences in the Roles of Parents' and Guardians' Language Use in Rural Left-behind Pupils: Evidence from Hukou County in China[C].//4th International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH): Atlantis Press,2019,329,1050-1052. [9] Jinfeng Li, Yuliang Zhou. Factors Influencing Foreign Students' Learning Effect in China: a Comparison Between Oral and Written Chinese[C].//3rd International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society (ICCESE 2019): Atlantis Press,2019,310,76-79. [10] Jinfeng Li. The Preposition Process of “guan”[C].//2019 International Conference on Literature,Art and Human Development (ICLAHD 2019): Francis Academic Press, UK, 2019,176-179 [11] Jinfeng Li. Learning Purposes, Learning Environment and Chinese Learning Effect of International Students in China[C].//2019 International Conference on Literature,Art and Human Development (ICLAHD 2019): Francis Academic Press, UK, 2019,172-175. [12] “管”字的语法化与词汇化[J].现代语文,2020(1):32-37. 2. 主要著作 暂无。 3. 科研项目 [1] 2019年度广东省哲学社会科学规划青年项目《粤语代际传承研究:基于珠三角地区的调查》(GD19YYY07) [2] 2019年度广东省普通高校青年创新人才类项目《外来人口方言代际传承:基于广州、肇庆的调查》(2019WQNCX124) 4. 主要奖项 暂无。 |